Dedication to the World of Shiatsu

As summer of 2012 fades away and the fall sets in, a new school semester begins. This will be in my third year of shiatsu with the FFST (Fédération Française de Shiatsu Traditionnel). Throughout the year I'm looking forward in developing my knowledge in learning more about how to trigger off the healing system of the body and give relief to the patients that suffer from a variety of different symptoms.
After having passed my second year of exams with the FFST, I'm determined to continue and learn more about this wonderful technique. Just to let you know...learning about "Shiatsu" is a
n-e-v-e-r ending story..... So may it be... I'll be a forever shiatsu student, fascinated by this road I've choosen, that has affected my life positively in so many ways.
This sculpture I made to dedicate to the world of shiatsu and to Tokujiro Namikoshi the first to create a systemized shiatsu therapy and the founder of the Japan Shiatsu College in 1940.
After having passed my second year of exams with the FFST, I'm determined to continue and learn more about this wonderful technique. Just to let you know...learning about "Shiatsu" is a
n-e-v-e-r ending story..... So may it be... I'll be a forever shiatsu student, fascinated by this road I've choosen, that has affected my life positively in so many ways.
This sculpture I made to dedicate to the world of shiatsu and to Tokujiro Namikoshi the first to create a systemized shiatsu therapy and the founder of the Japan Shiatsu College in 1940.
Je vous souhaite à tous une bonne visite !
Bien Cordialement,
Christina Courmont
95300 Pontoise, France/ Tél. + [email protected]/www.christina-courmont.com
Bien Cordialement,
Christina Courmont
95300 Pontoise, France/ Tél. + [email protected]/www.christina-courmont.com